Who Are We?

United States Traveler is a digital media company focused on helping individuals travel more while providing insights and reviews based on the lessons learned from our own experience.

People often say they enjoy traveling, but sometimes it may not be in the cards financially. Usually, you’ll save up your money for that one trip a year with great anticipation for its arrival.

Does this sound like you?

You’ve longed for the ability to travel more than once a year. That’s what we do here and we’re going to share how we make our money work for us and provide you with behind-the-scenes information to help you make an informed decision for your next trip.

What Do We Offer?

At United States Traveler we write editorials called the Traveler Series. These articles focus on approaches to make your travel adventures more enjoyable and alleviate stress. In addition, we have plans for a video series called Ask A Local. These videos will answer the most basic question for a new traveler visiting a new state: “What are five things someone visiting [insert state] must do?”

Furthermore, we write articles featuring inside scoops we’ve uncovered during our travels that can save you money or provide an inside look at a location you may not have known about. The Traveler Insider is your place for this information. Moreover, the soon-to-link video series On Location will provide those inside looks, whether hotels, attractions, iconic destinations, or restaurants.

Last, but certainly not least is our Travel Reviews. We consider this our bread and butter at United States Traveler. These columns provide long-form reviews of the places traveled to encompassing:

  1. The flight and the airline chosen
  2. The hotel stay and its amenities
  3. Several photographs to help support the review
  4. A breakdown of activities and restaurants

If that wasn’t enough, we also will embark on a cinematic series called The Recap. This series will be a short-form documentary film that aids as a visual supplement to the written column for the state visited.

Who Is Behind United States Traveler?

1923 Prohibition Bar at Mandalay Bay

Frank Angelone is the Founder and Editor of United States Traveler. With a passion for traveling, Frank desired to travel more than once a year. Like most people, he traveled once a year – normally during the summertime. However, that wasn’t enough. Once he started to find unique ways to travel more than once a year – going from twice, to three times a year – he knew he wanted to share this insight with others. Combining his desire to create and visit every state in the United States, United States Traveler was born. “Traveling for me is just like oxygen. I need both.”

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